26 September, 2006

Firefox Extensions Useful for Web Developers

Firefox isn't only for web browsing, but can also be a useful tool for developers. If you are a web developer, you can install and take advantage of Firefox wide array of developer-friendly extensions. The following is a list of some Firefox extensions that I enjoy using:
  • View Source Chart Creates a Colorful Chart of a Webpage's Rendered Source Code
  • Dummy Lipsum Generate "Lorem Ipsum" dummy text
  • Domain Details Find the whois information, IP Address and other information, including Search Engine stats and server information, on the site you are visiting.
  • JSView View the source code of external stylesheets and javascripts.
  • HTML Validator Adds HTML validation to the View Page Source of the browser. The validation is done by Tidy by W3C.
  • Firebug Unified debugger for HTML, CSS and Javascript. The only one and the best.
There are still more Firefox extensions for web developers from here.

10 September, 2006

Java I/O API cheatsheet

Hey, Java students or Java newbies out there!!! This cheat sheet might help you. It is well categorized according to usage so that it is easy to remember. Enjoy :)

The above is a PNG image. I suggest you save that on your computer so that you can review it anytime.

30 August, 2006

Learn Actionscript 2.0 from Java

If you are a Java programmer, learning ActionScript 2.0 (AS2) is very easy because it is very much similar to Java 1.4. I present in this blog the syntactical differences/comparison between the languages Java 1.4 and AS2 so that by looking at the differences, you can immediately learn the AS2 syntax. But bear in mind that this post is intended to be a quick reference only if you want to learn AS2 from your existing knowledge in Java 1.4 language syntax. You still have to read more books or tutorials in order to learn AS2 fully.

Java 1.4
ActionScript 2.0
source file
•file name is MyClass.java
•multiple class per file (one class must be public)
•filename is MyClass.as
•one class per source file
declaring a class and interface
class MyClass {
/* constructor and member variables/methods are declared inside the class in any order. */


interface MyInterface extends Interface1, Interface 2 { }
all the same as Java.
implicitly public.

note: comments in ActionScript and Java are the same; the // and /* */ are all valid in AS2. The class in AS2 can also be defined as dynamic*.
declaring a constructor•MyClass() { }
•MyClass(Type param1, Type param2) { }
package-private by default.
•function MyClass() { }
•function MyClass(param1:Type, param2:Type) { }

valid access modifiers are public (the default) and private. A class can contain only one constructor function; overloaded constructor functions are not allowed in ActionScript 2.0.
declaring a method•void myMethod();
•void myMethod() { }
•void myMethod(ParamType param1, ParamType param2) { }
•ReturnType myMethod() {
return returnObj;
•function myMethod();
•function myMethod() { }
•private static function myMethod() { }
•function myMethod( param1:ParamType, param2:ParamType) { }
•function myMethod() : ReturnType { return returnObj;

no synchronized, abstract and final modifiers. no method overloading. valid modifiers are only public (the default), private, static.
declaring a member variable•Type myVariable;
•Type myVariable = new Type();
•var myVariable:Type;
•var myVariable:Type = new Type;
•private static var myVariable:Type;

valid modifiers are public (the default), private, static. no final modifier.
packaging and importingpackage pakedge;
class MyClass { }


import pakedge.MyClass;
import pakedge.*;
class pakedge.MyClass { }

AS2 and Java has no difference with regards to importing a class or package.

note: the packaging in AS2 is very much like the packaging in Java--they're just folders. Specifying the fully-qualified-name of a class in AS2 is the same as in Java example:
var myVar:pakedge.MyClass = new pakedge.MyClass() ).
error handling
try {
} catch (Exeption ex) {
} finally {
try {
} catch (error:Error) {
} finally {

(all the same with Java)
•class SubClass extends SuperClass { }
•class SubClass implements SuperInterface { }
•class SubClass extends SuperClass implements SuperInterface1, SuperInterface2 { }
all the same with Java.
•private, package-private, public
•default for members is package-private
•private and public
•default for members is public

*ActionScript 2.0 lets you define a class as "dynamic." When a class is dynamic, new properties or methods can be added at runtime into any instance of such class. (If you're familiar with C# 3.0, you know what I mean.) Some of Flash' built-in classes--for example, MovieClip, LoadVars, and SharedObject--are dynamic classes, which is why you can dynamically add properties and methods to instances of these classes.

One more notable thing is the presence of "anonymous function" and "function pointer" in AS2 but is lacking in Java. (But still one more notable thing is that Java can live without anonymous function and function pointer that's why I thank Sun for making Java simple and elegant and a kind of do-everything-with-OOP-in-mind-for-the-sake-of-consistency language :-)

What about classpath? In ActionScript, classpath is only necessary at compile time. The folder wherein your FLA file is located is the classpath. For example, if you're working on a flash document "calculator.fla" located in C:\myprojects , the C:\myprojects folder is your classpath and you must put your ActionScript source codes in there so that the ActionScript compiler can see it. The Flash IDE allows you to specify another folder to be included in your classpath. But I'm not gonna explain those here.

The this and super keywords in Java is also used similarly in AS2.

The OOP in AS2 is very much similar to Java but always remember that AS2 is also an ECMA language, so, you can still see ActionScript code that has a similar syntax like JavaScript.

Another thing, if the entry point of the program in Java application is the public static void main(String[] args) and for the applet is the public void init() method, the entry point to run a AS2 program is any action or event fired by a user (user-based actions such as "on click") or by a time event (time-based event such as "on load").

AS2 has no constants/read-only/final variables, it doesn't even have non-overridable/final methods.

There's a lot more to learn about AS2 that I leave you to discover such as its data structures, the compiler directive such as #include (I'm not kidding), the syntactic sugar for getters and setters, the delete operator, the with statement, undefine data type, the special syntax for event handling, the for...in loop, etc.

Hope this quick reference is benificial to you. :)

25 August, 2006

Welcome Message

Actually, I have many blogs but each of them has its own purpose and target audience. Now this blog is about my relationship with my present occupation and career.

I'm a... wait, what am I going to call myself? A computer programmer because I write computer prorams? An encoder because I write program source codes? A software developer because I develop software applications? A web developer because I develop web apps? A system analyst because I analyze systems? A software designer because as a system analyst, I also design software? A computer scientist because my course in college was BS in Computer Science? A computer engineer because I build software solutions? An software architect because my boss call me such? Or maybe a consultant because our HR treat me as such?

I don't know what to call myself but one thing is clear and I admit: I can't consider myself a computer scientist nor an engineer, and that is a sad truth. I know by myself that I have to eat more bread and rice before I can be such; and, my upbringing and educational attainment isn't worthy to give me such title. But one thing is clear: I write source codes day and night. But what am I going to call myself? I'm not a master of any computer related subject. I only know a little bit of this and a little bit of that. I can't even accept to be called a computer programmer although writing source code is my bread and butter. Because what I can only do is to get that library and get that other library and also that other library, put them together, and jaraaan.... I've created a program! Creating programs that involves mathematics, algorithms and high logical puzzles is I think not in the scope of my ability so, maybe I am indeed a programmer.... a dumb programmer (not a real one, am I?).

So maybe I can call myself a.... "computer literate". Yes, a very general term it is but it's the most safe title to give myself, I think.

I'm a computer literate and this blog is all about.... my computer literacy. Sometimes, you will read in this blog an expression of my opinion and even dumb ones and ones without bearing. You should expect that.